UCOP Active Directory Password Standard

To safeguard UC electronic information resources, UCOP Information Technology Services (ITS) has instituted a password standard for the UCOP Windows Active Directory (AD). This standard applies to your Windows-based computer, Outlook e-mail and calendar (including Outlook Web Access), and VPN services. It will be enforced whenever new passwords are created.

UCOP Password Standards

  1. Passwords must contain a minimum of 12 characters.
  2. Password characters must be from at least three (3) of the following categories:
    • English uppercase letters (A - Z)
    • English lowercase letters (a - z)
    • Base 10 digits (0 - 9)
    • Non-alphanumeric (!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), -, +, <, >, ? (not required, but still acceptable)
  3. The passwords must be complex and not easily guessable or obtainable.
    • Do not use simple words. e.g. "password," "welcome," or "hello"
    • Do not include three or more consecutive characters from your user name
    • Do not use commonly used words or phrases
  4. Passwords must be changed every 180 calendar days. You cannot change your password to any of the past 24 passwords you used.
  5. Accounts will be “locked out” after 10 unsuccessful authentication attempts within a 5-minute period. Please use the MyLogin self-service tool to unlock your AD account or you can contact the IT Service Desk. There is a one-time registration process to complete to use the MyLogin self-service tool.

Password Resets

  • Call the Service Desk at (510) 987-0457 or email the Service Desk.