
Data is the cornerstone for informed decision-making, enabling us to identify disparities and areas of strength, implement targeted strategies and measure progress to foster a more equitable and inclusive workplace. By harnessing the power of data, we can move beyond anecdotal evidence and gain valuable insights into the representation and experiences of diverse groups within UCOP.

Data isn't just for big decisions – it's a tool for everyone. Managers use it to shape team culture, and each staff member can use data to champion fairness and inclusion in their day-to-day actions. Together, these efforts create a workplace where everyone feels respected, appreciated and valued.

Data Types

UCOP uses quantitative and qualitative data to understand and assess different aspects of our organization.

  • Quantitative data: Measurable and numerical information, often expressed in quantities and statistics. It is well-suited for answering questions related to "how much" or "how many" and is commonly gathered through surveys, experiments or structured observations.
  • Qualitative data: Non-numerical and focuses on characteristics, qualities and nuances. It provides insights into the "why" and "how,” capturing descriptive and subjective information and is typically gathered through interviews, focus groups or open-ended survey questions.

While quantitative data offers statistical rigor and numerical precision, qualitative data adds depth and context, collectively providing a comprehensive understanding of the complexities within a given context or research question.

UCOP Data Sources

EDI Workforce Dashboard

The EDI Workforce Dashboard was created in response to the 2020 UCOP Anti-Racism Task Force Report recommendation to provide transparency on the UCOP workforce and address the UCOP strategic objective of “strengthening an inclusive UC workforce and community” (2023 UCOP Strategic Framework).

When launched, the goals of the dashboard are to:

  • Better understand the current workforce and history of hiring, promotions and retention
  • Help managers identify trends in the data
  • Give managers the ability to reflect on potential variables contributing to data trends and develop strategies with their Human Resources business partners (HRBPs) and the EDI department to enhance strategies for advancing a culture of inclusion
  • Inform and support UCOP EDI and anti-racism tenets

Read the Frequently Asked Questions for Academic and Staff Employees.

Data Responsibility

The EDI Workforce Dashboard provides quantitative data and represents just one data point that identifies trends. It is important to collaborate with your HRBP or with the EDI Department.

To ensure the privacy and confidentiality of our employees, the number of employees will be rounded for UCOP divisions with smaller teams so employees will not be identifiable.

Employees are responsible for using dashboard data in accordance with UC Policy. Employees are reminded of their obligations under the University of California Anti-Discrimination Policy, as well as under state and federal law, which prohibits basing job-related actions on an individual’s actual or perceived protected category.

Implementation Timeline and Training

The EDI Workforce Dashboard will be an internal UCOP resource and will be available to all UCOP staff as follows:

  • UCOP managers and supervisors – Summer 2024
  • UCOP staff – Fall 2024

Training will be required before using the dashboard to ensure users have a shared understanding of its purpose and values. During the training, learners will review examples of how to use the dashboard to drive actions for advancing a culture of inclusion.

Staff Workforce Profile for UC

The Staff Workforce Profile provides a picture of the UC staff workforce, which is made up of employees in executive, management, clerical/administrative, clinical, technical, maintenance, student staff and other occupational areas.

Staff Engagement Survey

The Staff Engagement Survey helps university leaders, managers, and supervisors better understand the views, experiences and needs of policy-covered staff. Results from each survey help us determine areas where progress was made, as well as areas that may need further effort and focus.