Chapter 1-900: Relations with State and Federal Officials

The basic principle of the University Policy on Relations of University Staff Members with State and Federal Officials (PDF) is that

Individual members or groups of members of the staff of the University shall not unless they are specifically authorized by the President act or give the appearance of acting on behalf of the University when communicating with State or Federal governmental officials concerning policies or legislation relating to the University.

The policy applies to official representation of the University, clarifying that it does not apply to "informal discussions" or the expression of "personal views." The policy describes the appropriate channels to follow when representing the University with either state or federal elected officials or officers, invitations to speak to elected officials, discussing legislation or policy, or serving on boards or commissions. Any such official visits or communications should be coordinated with the University’s State or Federal Government Relations Office as applicable.

The University’s Lobbying Disclosure Policy (PDF) describes the requirements of the federal Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 (PDF) and provides background and guidelines and information on reporting requirements. See also information on the California Political Reform Act and its requirements on the California Fair Political Practices Commission's website.

Certifications requiring disclosure of any lobbying activities, as defined, in soliciting or accepting federal or State funded extramural awards can be required in such proposal or award documents. Additional guidance is provided in RPAC Research and Technology Transfer Memos.