The Patent Prosecution group provides comprehensive patent filing, sponsor reporting and annuity management services to campus clients. They provide database support, licensing/accounting functions and centralized attorney firm retention and coordination support for the Office of General Counsel. This group also coordinates with the Chief Investment Officer of The Regents on the acceptance of equity shares in UC startup companies.

Kimberly Jones-Ross

Interim Executive Director

Phone: (510) 987-9201


Jerina LaBat

Patent Prosecution Lead

Phone: (510) 587-6042


Christine Tabisaura

Prosecution Assistant

Phone: (510) 587-6058


Vanessa Collins

Prosecution Assistant

Phone: (510) 587-6074


Lauryn Hill

Prosecution Assistant


Intellectual Property & Innovation group

Office of General Counsel

Advises the university on IP matters, including collaborations, transactions, policy, consultations and dispute resolution.