Codes of Safe Practice and Training Documentation

Use Instructions

This section of the Performing Arts Safety Manual contains the:

  • Form for recording the General Safety Awareness Training
  • Form for recording the Codes of Safe Practice Training
  • Code of Safe Practice Matrix
  • Codes of Safe Practice

General Safety Awareness Training

Prior to starting work activities or being authorized to access and use facility space, equipment, or tools, all new employees/students/volunteers must receive an initial overview of the department/facility safety plans and complete an orientation to critical emergency response procedures and life safety equipment.


Supervisors/instructors must complete all the information blanks at the top of the training checklist: trainee’s name; supervisor’s/instructor’s name; the name of the department, and the name of the facility. Then the supervisor/instructor must review each applicable item on the training record checklist with each new employee/ student/volunteer and document the training on the training record checklist. A separate general safety awareness training checklist must be used for each trainee. Even if an employee has been employed in another University department, he or she must complete the performing arts general awareness training. Ensure each trainee signs his or her initials next to each item covered during the training as confirmation the training was completed.

Codes of Safe Practice Training

The Codes of Safe Practice were developed to be used as training tools. The Codes must be reviewed at initial job assignment and should be used in refresher training prior to conducting non-routine tasks, refresher training for those not following safe practices, and/or as a refresher for those returning after an extended absence. Many of the codes will apply to a variety of job titles/tasks. A matrix is located behind the Codes of Safe Practice Training Record form to assist supervisors/instructors in selecting the appropriate codes for each trainee.


Identify the processes to which each employee/student/volunteer will be assigned, and then check off the appropriate topics to be covered on the trainee’s Codes of Safe Practice Training Record. Use the Codes of Safe Practice matrix to identify the topics that must be completed for each process. The second page of Codes of Safe Practice Training Record has been provided for recording additional training topics not currently included on the training matrix.

We anticipate the Codes of Safe Practice will be reviewed over a period of time. Ensure the date each topic is covered is noted on the training record, and ensure the trainee records his or her initials as confirmation the information was covered and understood.


Employees/students/volunteers are responsible for reviewing the Performing Arts Safety Manual, reviewing the assigned Codes of Safe Practice, and participating in assigned training sessions. Work with your supervisor/ instructor to ensure all required training is completed. Talk to your supervisor/instructor if you have any questions, or if you do not understand the materials. You must initial each topic as the training is completed as documentation that the topic was reviewed and you understood the information provided.

Training Record Retention

Training records must be retained for a minimum of three years as required by the Cal-OSHA IIPP regulation or in accordance with the University’s record retention policy.