University Proposal and Approval Process

Before any Agreement is issued by the State, the University will submit a proposal to the State that describes the work to be done (Scope of Work) and the costs to complete the Scope of Work (Budget). The basic elements of a complete proposal are described elsewhere in this Guide and are components (or exhibits) of the CMA. This demonstrates the modular nature of the CMA. Exhibits populated as a proposal will be assembled by the sponsoring State agency into the award document, if the proposal is selected for funding. Once the academic department and Principal Investigator (PI) complete the proposal exhibits, the proposal must be reviewed and approved by an Authorized Official, in the University’s contract and grant, sponsored projects office, or business contracts office (for certain service contracts) who can commit the University to the agreement. University personnel must follow University campuses’ internal processes and procedures governing proposal submission when submitting a proposal to the State.