Understanding and Implementing LEEDv4 for BD+C and ID+C

Presentation and Location Information

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April 11, 2014- UC Davis, Medical Sciences Building
October 9, 2014 - UC San Diego, CALIT2 Building
November 7, 2014 - UC Riverside, TBD

Understanding and Implementing LEEDv4 for BD+C and ID+C

(Directions for opening SharePoint)

This free workshop is being offered by the UC CSU IOU Energy Efficiency Partnership Program on UC San Diego and UC Riverside campuses, respectively.

Alex Spilger will provide an overview of the BD+C (NC, CS, Schools) and ID+C (CI) version 4 Rating Systems, with an emphasis on how to implement LEEDv4 on future campus projects. It will review credit-specific information for the new rating system, outline process, and cover the strategies, challenges and potential costs involved with certifying projects under LEEDv4. Participants learned how to facilitate a productive eco-charrette (one of the new Prerequisites in LEEDv4), navigate the new LEED Online, perform common LEEDv4 credit calculations, troubleshoot potential setbacks, evaluate the cost to benefit ratio of various LEEDv4 credit strategies, and apply the LEEDv4 Rating Systems to diverse types of campus projects. The workshop provided useful electronic tools, such as a LEEDv4 Action Item Scorecard that participants can use to track the specific responsibilities of each team member on future LEEDv4 projects they may be involved in.

The presenter is Alex Spilger who trained us on the previous LEED version changes. If you want a copy of the presentation materials, please visit the SharePoint site at https://sp2010.ucop.edu/departments/bcr/cs/cpi/LEED2014/default.aspx

This program is being offered on UCR and UCSD.  If you want it on your campus, please contact Rashmi Sahai.

This program is being paid for by the energy ratepayers of California under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

  1. In order to give you access to UCOP’s SharePoint Portal, I need you to first log in to the homepage by going to https://sp2010.ucop.edu .
  2. On the following page, select your login provider (campus) and log in through your campus SSO system.
  3. Enter your campus username and password on your campus SSO login page.
  4. After that you will be directed to our SharePoint Portal homepage.