The Art of Prequalification and UC's CM@Risk

Two Workshops in One Day: Prequalification and CM@Risk

We offered a seminar with a day covering Art of Prequalification and a primer for Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) delivery method. This was a continuation of CPI’s commitment to provide training sessions related to advanced project delivery methods and Integrated Project Delivery (IPD).

As in typical CPI form, everyone heard from experienced UC professionals speaking on CM@Risk benefits, lessons learned, its value within IPD, and advice on managing the project team. The same class reviewed pre-qualification techniques as it applies to any contract delivery method.  And because pre-qualification finesse doesn’t always get you to your ideal contractor, some Best Value contractor selection material was provided. Kip Baker from UCLA and Chris McGuire from UCB provided their expertise on the Art of Prequalification in the morning.  Chris Hornbeck from UCOP, Sandra Beck from UCB and Jim Gillie from UCSD along with some of our OGC attorneys (Holly St. John and Steve Morrell) presented on using the CM@Risk delivery method.

This program was held in Oakland on October 23, 2013 and at UCLA on October 30, 2013 at the cost of $50.



8:30 Welcome and Overview – Chris Hornbeck

8:45 Art of Pre-Qualification-Kip Baker (UCLA) and Chris McGuire (UCD)

11:00 CM@Risk for UC Projects: Overview and Planning – Chris Hornbeck (UCOP), Sandra Beck (UCB), Jim Gillie (UCSD)


1:00 CM at Risk for UC Projects: Implementation and Legal Issues– Steve Morrell (OGC), Holly St. John (OGC), Sandra Beck (UCB), Jim Gillie (UCSD), Chris Hornbeck (UCOP)

3:00 Panel Discussion    

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