Booking travel using Connexxus

Airfare Pre-Trip Authorization (PTA) requests

  1. To book air travel the traveler/arranger or proxy logs into Connexxus. You can book online or contact agents at UC Travel or BCD/Concur.

  2. Send the itinerary (preferred) or price estimate with detailed trip information to the Travel & Entertainment team mailbox with the following additional information:
    • Authorizing signature of individual with delegated authority (scan and attach), or e-mail directly from authorized individual approving travel;
    • Business reason for travel;
    • Department Code;
    • FAU (Department Full Accounting Unit) to be charged;
    • Name of Agent who booked the arrangement (if using UC Travel).

  3. BRC will obtain Pre-Trip Authorization (PTA #) to direct bill the department and notify traveler/arranger.

  4. If travel is being booked through Connexxus (online or with an agent) arranger or proxy will supply PTA#  when requested for payment. (If using SWABIZ – Southwest Airlines website - through Connexxus, traveler is required to use personal credit card or UC Travel & Entertainment card for payment. To direct bill a Southwest Airlines flight, traveler must make arrangements through BCD.)

    For more detail, please refer to the PTA Quick reference guide.

  5. Traveler will receive an email with the ticketed itinerary once the payment information (PTA# or credit card) is entered.