Chart of Accounts

UCOP implemented Oracle Financials Cloud (OFC) - with a new Chart of Accounts (COA) in July 2020. The redesigned COA, which is standardized throughout the UC system, enhances systemwide reporting, budgeting, and financial management, reducing extensive and expensive data reconciliation across UC locations.

The Chart of Accounts (COA) replaces legacy Full Accounting Unit (FAU) at UCOP effective July 1, 2020.

The UCOP Chart of Accounts (COA) page on the Financial Information System (FIS) SharePoint site provides an overview of the COA and description of each of the eleven segments that make up the structure of the chart string. Also available with employee SSO is a complete list of all UCOP chart of account segments.

Requests for COA segment changes (new or existing) can be made by completing a COA Segment Request Form and submitting it as an attachment through ServiceNow (Request Service > BRC > CAAP > Chart of Account Maintenance).

The COA Governance Committee meets every third Tuesday of the month to review COA Segment Change requests. Requests must be submitted by the Thursday prior to the committee meeting. The Committee is comprised of members from Corporate Accounting, Budget and Finance, and Business Resource Center, and the committee's primary responsibility is to review, approve, and deploy all COA segments changes.

Note:  to allow for a clean fiscal close, COA Segment Changes are frozen for the months of June and July each year.  No COA Segment Changes are made during the months of June and July. 

Please refer to the yearly COA Governance Committee Calendarr for deadlines.