Chapter 15-999: Related University References

External Requirements Federal

15-F01 2 CFR 215.30 through 215.37 (formerly OMB Circular No. A-110), Property Standards, and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.245-1, Government Propertywith Alternate II for Educational Institutions


The purpose of 2 CFR Part 215.30 et. al, Property Standards, is to prescribe uniform standards governing management of property furnished by the federal government or whose cost is charged to a project supported by a federal grant or other agreement. FAR

52.245-1, Government Property, provides the federal contract terms governing property under federal contracts. Additional federal contract clauses governing property are issued by other federal agencies such as the Department of Defense (DOD) and NASA, in their FAR clause supplements, i.e., DFARS and NFS, generally with the number “.245” in the supplemental clause number.


The standards promulgated by 2 CFR 215 are applicable to all Federal agencies in their administration of grants to, and other agreements with, public and private institutions of higher education, public and private hospitals, and other quasi-public and private non- profit organizations. The term "other agreements" does not include procurement contracts but does include cooperative agreements. FAR 52.245-1 with Alternate II is used on federalcost-reimbursement, time-and-materials, and labor-hour type solicitations and contracts.

Other federal agencies, such as the DOD and NASA, publish additional federal contract clauses governing property in their FAR clause supplements, i.e., DFARS and NFS.

Summary of Provisions

A schematic summary regarding title, use, and disposition of property covered by 2 CFR 215 and FAR 52.245-1 is presented below:

Schematic Summary of 2 Cfr 215 Property Standards

Tangible Property

Intangible Property

Real Property

Personal Property



Federally- Owned



Title to vest in recipient

Title remains with the Government.

Title to vest in recipient unless not in best interest of Gov't.

Title to vest in recipient.

Title to vest in recipient.

Dept. of Commerce regs. apply w/respect to title.

Agency to issue disposition instructions

Agency to issue disposition instructions.

Agency may reserve right to transfer title.

Agency may reserve right to transfer title.



Recipient to use property for authorized purposes as 

long as needed for orig. proj.; subsequent use as approved by agency; when no longer needed recipient to get

disposition instructions from agency.

Recipient to submit annual inventory at end of project 

or when no longer needed; recipient to

get disposition instructions from agency.

Recipient has no other obligation unless agency has reserved right to transfer title and issues disposition instructions w/in 120 days after end of project.

Recipient to

use property on proj. as long as needed 

regardless of funding period; sharing is encouraged; when no longer needed

recipient can dispose of and, if market value is $5000 or more, compensate the Gov't. or request disposition instructions.

Recipient to use any residual over

$5000 on other federal project or compensate the agency.

Recipient to report any patentable inventions; author or recipient is free to copyright materials developed, but must grant non- exclusive license to the Gov't.

Primary University Responsibility

The Executive Director - Procurement Services is responsible for issuing implementing guidelines to campuses to ensure compliance with the provisions of the property standards of 2 CFR Part 215.


Business and Finance Bulletin BUS-29, Management and Control of University Equipment, provides the primary University guidelines for implementing the provisions of the property standards of 2 CFR Parts 215.30 to 215.37 and FAR 52.245-1.