Academic Personnel and Programs
Policy issuances, 2010 - 2014
Effective Date | APM | Description |
7/1/14 | 290, 510, and Section IV (600 - Series) |
Revised APM - 290, Regents’ Professors and Regents’ Lecturers, APM - 510, Intercampus Transfers, and APM Section IV, Salary Administration (APM - 600 Series). APM - 290, - 510, and Section IV (600 - Series) are issued effective July 1, 2014. Simultaneous revision to the 20 policies in Sections 290, 510, and IV was prompted in part by the UC Path initiative so that procedural information contained within the policies is up-to-date, clear, and consistent from policy to policy. |
7/1/14 | 025, 670, and 671 |
Revised APM - 025, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members; Revised APM - 670, Health Sciences Compensation Plan; and new APM - 671, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Health Sciences Compensation Plan Participants. APM - 025, -670, and new -671 are issued effective July 1, 2014, with APM - 025 and -670 to be implemented immediately and APM - 671 to be implemented no later than July 1, 2015. The general intent of APM - 025 and APM - 671 is to ensure that when a faculty member participates in activities outside of the University the activities do not interfere with fulfilling the individual’s responsibilities to the University. To enhance clarity and to foster consistent interpretation, revisions to current APM - 025 and the creation of APM - 671 result in mutually exclusive policies such that HSCP faculty are subject to APM - 671, and all other faculty (including Health Sciences faculty who are not HSCP participants) are subject to APM - 025. |
2/25/14 | 035, Appendix A |
New APM - 035, Appendix A, Affirmative Action and Nondiscrimination in Employment. APM - 035, Appendix A is issued effective February 25, 2014. The Presidential policy applies to all University employees, which includes all faculty and other academic appointees, students, and staff. APM -035, Appendices A-1 & A-2 have been replaced with new Appendix A, which directs faculty and academic appointees to the Presidential policy. |
1/1/14 | 241 |
Revised APM - 241, Faculty Administrators (Positions Less Than 100% Time) APM - 241 is issued effective January 1, 2014. Revisions bring APM - 241 into alignment with Regents Policy 2307 and the Compendium of Universitywide Review Processes for Academic Programs, Academic Units, and Research Units (currently under review). |
7/19/13 | 015 |
Revised APM - 015, The Faculty Code of Conduct APM - 015 is issued July 19, 2013 with the following revisions. At its meeting on June 12, 2013, the Assembly of the Academic Senate approved language revising Section 015 of the APM to include within the protections of academic freedom the freedom to speak on matters of institutional policy when acting as a member of the faculty whether or not as a member of an agency of institutional governance. |
7/1/13 | 430 |
APM - 430, Visiting Scholars and Other Visitors Academic Personnel Policy 430 is issued effective July 1, 2013. There are many instances in which persons without formal status as a UC student, faculty member, or academic appointee may engage in short-term academic and cultural activities at the University of California, some of which lie outside of APM - 430. The purpose of APM - 430 is to define the type of visitor for which this policy applies and to establish the status of the individual visiting the University of California and the rights and responsibilities of both the visitor and the University. |
7/1/13 | 700 |
Revised APM - 700, Leaves of Absence/General Academic Personnel Policy 700, Leaves of Absence/General, Presumptive Resignation is issued effective July 1, 2013. This policy addresses circumstances under which an academic appointee chooses not to return to his/her University appointment following the expiration of a leave of absence, or chooses to be absent from that appointment without obtaining prior approval for a leave. The Presumptive Resignation policy is designed to prompt an appointee in such circumstances to take affirmative steps to counter the University’s presumption that the appointee’s intention is to resign the University appointment. |
7/2/12 |
670 |
Revised APM - 670, Health Sciences Compensation Plan This is the first policy revision since APM - 670 was originally adopted in 1999. In addition to the detailed changes listed below, the policy was reorganized to be consistent with other University policy that has changed in the last decade; there were also updates to out-of-date language (including the sections on budget and accounting). Below is a summary of revisions to APM - 670 including key sections that remain unchanged. Authority
Compensation and Benefits
Consultation between Faculty and Administration
Other Revisions
7/1/12 |
035 |
Revised APM - 035, Affirmative Action and Nondiscrimination in Employment Technical revisions to reflect changes in California's Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), California Government Code Section 12900 et seq., which prohibits discrimination in employment. The California Legislature recently amended FEHA to clarify that discrimination on the basis of "gender" and "gender expression" are among the prohibited types of discrimination. Revisions also were made to insure that the definition of "service in the uniformed services" is consistent with both the federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act of 1994 (USERRA) and California's Military and Veterans Code Section 394. |
7/1/12 |
APM-190, Appendix A-1 |
Revised APM - 190, Appendix A-1, Policy on Reporting and Investigating Allegations of Suspected Improper Governmental Activities (Whistleblower Policy) The Whistleblower Policy quotes California Government Code Section 8547.2. The revisions reflect changes that the California Legislature recently made to that Code Section. |
2/24/12 |
200 |
Technical revisions including elimination of -22, Recall of Academic Appointees policy and Appendices A and B |
205 |
New policy for the Recall of Academic Appointees; incorporates former APM – 200-22 and Appendices A and B |
2/1/12 |
530 |
Revised APM-530, Nonresidents, formerly entitled "Noncitizens," was issued last in 1964, pre-dating significant federal regulatory changes governing nonresident work authorization, permanent residency, visa classification requirements, and the establishment of campus International Students and Scholars Offices to manage University sponsorship of nonresident academic employees. Since the revisions reflect changes in federal regulations and terminology, with no substantive policy or practice changes, the revisions were issued as a technical correction. The revised APM - 530 does not alter in any manner current campus policy and practice related to the sponsorship of nonresident and pending permanent resident academic employees. |
2/1/12 |
710 |
APM - 710-11 (a & b), Leaves of Absence/Sick Leave/Medical Leave. This section of the policy was updated to correct the references from APM - 110-14 to APM - 110-15 to define members of the faculty. |
9/23/11 |
075 |
Revised APM - 075, Part III C.1 corrects the reference from Senate Bylaw 335 to Bylaw 337 for Privilege and Tenure Committee early termination cases. |
110 |
Revised APM – 110-4 (3), Academic Administrative Officers, adds Deans, Vice Provosts and College Provosts to the definition of Academic Administrative Officers not in the Senior Management Group to conform to recent revisions in APM-240 and the new APM-246; and 110-4 (21), House Staff; 110-4 (23), Medical Resident; 110-4 (37) Residents moves the definition of House Staff in APM-110-4(21) and Medical Resident in APM-110-4(23), to a combined definition under the term, Residents, listed in APM-110-4 (37), since Resident is the appropriate term to be used for such appointees. |
140 |
Revised APM-140-33(b.)(2.)(a), Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Grievances adds Medical Separation to the list of those issues which may be appealed for Step III-B hearing consideration, to conform with APM-80-3-b. and c., Medical Separation policy. |
230 |
Revised 230- 4(b), Definition and Policy adds Project Scientist to the list of titles to which the visiting prefix may be attached. Revised 230-17, Terms of Service In order to allow campuses more flexibility to make decisions regarding Visiting Appointments for their locations, adds that the Chancellor may make terms of consecutive service longer than two years for Visiting titles and longer than three years for Visiting Assistant Professor Programs in Mathematics. |
240/246 |
Revised APM-240, Deans and APM-246, Faculty Administrators (100% Time). Revised sections 240-18-e. and 246-18-e., Salary, Additional University Compensation clarifies that deans and faculty administrators (100% time) are covered by other additional compensation policies found in the APM, in addition to those sources of additional compensation noted in APM-240-18-e. and 246-18-e. Revised sections 240- 20-c.(2) and 246-20-c.(2), Conditions of Employment, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Professional Activities Conforms Deans and Faculty Administrators (100% Time) policies to the APM-025 requirement that there be annual reporting of compensated outside professional activities to the Chancellor. Revised section 240-60 -c.(1), Deans, Benefits and Privileges clarifies that the policy regarding the basis for accrual of deans’ sabbatical leave credit is based upon the underlying faculty appointment rate in accordance with APM-740. Revised APM-246-60 (b.), Faculty Administrators (100% Time), Benefits and Privileges corrects a typographical error in current policy. |
500 |
Revised APM-500-16 (c.), Recruitment - General, Restrictions corrects the web reference for Association of American Universities member institutions and updates Exhibit A, the AAU Membership list. |
7/1/10 |
APM 241 - New; APM 246 - New; APM 245 - Revised; APM 633 - Revised; APM 242 - Rescinded; APM 630 - Rescinded; APM 632 - Rescinded |
Effective July 1, 2010 is Academic Personnel policy creating APM - 241, Faculty Administrators [Positions Less Than 100%] and APM - 246, Faculty Administrators [100% Time]; and revising APM - 245, Department Chairs and APM - 633, Stipends/Academic Appointees. The following APM sections are hereby rescinded: APM - 242, Directors of Organized Research Units; APM - 630, Compensation of Divisional, Associate, and Assistant Deans, and Directors of Organized Research Units; and APM - 632, Stipends/Assignment of FTE for Split Appointments. The Faculty Administrator policies are the culmination of a comprehensive review of academic personnel policy, beginning with the deans, to return authority to the Chancellors for academic leadership and management decisions. These policies describe the role of faculty administrators as senior academic and administrative leaders; they provide the framework for all faculty administrator titles; clarify criteria for appointment; eligibility for service; terms of service; salary; conditions of employment; benefits and privileges; and review procedures. |
6/11/10 |
APM: Sections 015, Part II: 035-0; 0-36-0; 140-33-b; 160, Appendix A; 220-4-b; 230-20-h; and 310-17-c |
The revisions to these APM sections represent technical changes to conform these policies to other University policies or to changes in legal definitions. |
4/29/10 |
028 |
Revisions to APM - 028 have been made to reflect changes in statute and regulations governing reporting of financial interests by researchers at California public universities, changes in job titles at the University of California, and non-substantive grammatical improvements. |
1/1/10 |
240 |
Academic Personnel Policy 240, Deans, is issued effective January 1, 2010. APM-240 will apply to all full-time Deans, with the exception of those reporting directly to a Chancellor; those with the concurrent title of Vice Chancellor; University Extension Deans; and Student Affairs Deans. APM-240 is implemented to return Deans from the Senior Management Group (SMG) personnel program to the academic personnel program. In conjunction with APM-240, a new Deans Salary Structure has been developed and approved by The Regents at their November meeting, effective January 1, 2010. The new salary structure defines Chancellorial authority to determine decanal salaries based on compensable factors and market competitiveness, Regental reporting requirements, and the three-tiered salary band structure. |