Don’t Ask, Don’t Get: Effective Negotiation Techniques

Amy Levine, Ed.D.

Thursday, January 26, 2017
Franklin Lobby 1
12:00 - 1:30 pm

Presentation Slides (PDF)

You have opportunities to negotiate every day in your professional and personal life. Whether it is, “Where do you want to have dinner tonight?” or “I’d like to discuss my salary,” if you don’t ask for what you want and deserve, you’ll never get it. In this introductory session, you will learn how to prepare to negotiate, build your case, present your request, and clinch the deal. You will gain practical skills to achieve negotiated outcomes that will leave both parties feeling satisfied.

Prepare in advance (optional)

1. Read the book "Women Don't Ask"

2. Answer the questions in Negotiation Homework [Word doc] and bring them with you to the session.

Please see the announcement flyer (pdf)

Questions? Contact Shirley Bittlingmeier