Report a Safety Hazard

How to Report

Send an email to UCOP Environment, Health & Safety.

What to Report

Reports can include incidents that occurred either on- or off-site of the primary work location. Examples of the types of incidents that should be reported include (select below for more information): 

Why You Should Report

  • Prevention. Contacting others raises safety awareness.
  • Tracking. We may be able to associate activity with other incidents. Your report will allow us to provide better statistics.
  • Correction. You may receive technical assistance.
  • Claims Management. Your report helps us to provide you with better documents. University policies may require you to report the activity. Reporting incidents is part of your responsibility.


An incident which a person suffers injury or illness as a result of exposure to harmful conditions such as toxic fumes, vapors, gases or airborne particles; temperature extremes; oxygen deficiency; radioactivity; or intense light.

Physical harm or damage to the body resulting from an exchange, usually acute, of mechanical, chemical, thermal, or other environmental energy that exceeds the body's tolerance.

Near Miss
Incidents where no property was damaged and no personal injury sustained, but where, given a slight shift in time or position, damage and/or injury easily could have occurred.

Occupational Illness
Any abnormal condition or disorder, other than one resulting from an occupational injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment. It includes acute and chronic illnesses or diseases that may be caused by inhalation, absorption, ingestion, or direct contact.

Property Damage
Undesired event that results in or property damage.

Release to the Environment
Spill, leak, discharge to the environment (e.g. groundwater, soil, or air)

Safety Concern
Individual concern regarding hazards in the workplace or on campus

Vehicle Collision
An unstabilized situation that includes at least one harmful event (injury or property damage) involving a motor vehicle in transport (in motion, in readiness for motion, or on a roadway, but not parked in a designated parking area) that does not result from discharge of a firearm or explosive device and does not directly result from a cataclysm.