Cyber & Privacy Liability

Covers damages and claims expenses that the university is obligated to pay because of an actual or alleged privacy breach, confidentiality breach, security breach or online media activity.

Privacy and confidentiality breach liability coverage

All damages and claims expenses that the university becomes obliged to pay as a result of any claim made against the university (including a lawsuit or regulatory action) for an alleged:

  • privacy breach; or
  • confidentiality breach.

Security breach liability coverage

All damages and claims expenses that the university becomes obliged to pay as a result of any claim made against the University (including a lawsuit or regulatory action) for an alleged security breach resulting in any covered loss.

Breach notice response services coverage

This may include expenses associated with any of the following:

  • breach notice legal and forensic expenses;
  • breach notice fulfillment services;
  • credit monitoring services;
  • identity restoration services; and/or
  • call center services.
Breach notice legal and forensic expenses may include:
  • fees incurred for the services of a third party computer forensics professional to conduct an investigation to identify whether notification-triggering data containing personally identifiable information was accessed by an unauthorized person as a result of a covered privacy breach; and,
  • attorney fees for outside counsel to determine whether any breach notice laws apply and the obligations of such applicable laws, and assist you to comply with such laws, including but not limited to drafting notice letters to impacted individuals.

Cyber Risk: Duties in the event of an occurrence, claim or suit

In the event of a privacy breach that may trigger a claim, campuses must follow their established local breach or incident response process or the UC Privacy and Data Security Incident Response Plan.

Campus risk management and/or the UCOP Office of Risk Services must be notified as soon as possible.  If the privacy breach triggers an obligation for the University to comply with breach notice laws, the University has resources available to assist with breach notice response services and incident response and loss control information.

Campus risk management and/or the UCOP Office of Risk Services will notify the University’s insurance broker or the respective insurance company’s Claims Representative as soon as possible. Documentation of the incident, including log files, is essential.  Be sure to follow the procedures in the established local breach or incident response process or the UC Privacy and Data Security Incident Response Plan.

Physical loss or damage to University hardware, software or data may be covered under the University’s Property program, subject to the standard terms and conditions of the current Property Insurance Policy.