eProcurement Resources

Resources for Commodity Managers, Suppliers, and eProcurement Users




ePro Strategy Worksheet

Points to consider in determining whether and what an ePro strategy might be for a given commodity/contract.

Consortium Price File process

Explanation of the consortium price file structure; overview of how they get created, analyzed, and updated.

Content Enablement process

Overview of the process to get supplier content enabled in an ePro system.

eProcurement Glossary

Definitions of common ePro terms, as well as some specific to the University of California.

ePro Team Presentations

Presentations given by the UC ePro team (must be an employee of UC).

Guide to Hosted vs. Punchout Catalogs


Hosted vs. Punchout Worksheet

Pros and cons of the options for eProcurement catalog types.

Points to consider when determining whether a hosted or punch-out catalog (or both) is appropriate for a commodity/contract.

What is the 'Unified Instance'?

uBuy, consortium, and the ‘unified instance’ – how they are the same, yet not.

UC eCommerce Appendix

UC contract appendix specifying the electronic commerce requirements applicable to suppliers providing Goods and/or Services in UC ePro systems.