Adrienne Greer

GFI Fellow - Class of 2015

Graduate Student, Public Health


University of California Global Food Initiative Food Hub Workgroup


The University of California Global Food Initiative Food Hub workgroup sought to describe the current state of the food system within Los Angeles, with a focus on food hub structures, distribution and market demand in Santa Monica. The group sought to provide baseline descriptive research for stakeholders to identify market opportunities and guide future research areas. Recommendations for redefining and achieving economic sustainability for small and mid-size farmers in the regional food system also are identified.


Different conclusions were drawn in reference to food hubs’ current and future viability depending on the interviewee's position within the food system. While food hubs were generally viewed as a positive alternative to the conventional food system, many barriers were identified for small and mid-size farmers. Those representing institutions and policy groups reported more optimistic and opportunistic feedback, while farmers were more critical and skeptical of the food hub structure.

Future Plans

Disseminate findings back to interviewees, the GFI community and UCLA Healthy Campus Initiative participants.


Wendy Slusser and Lee Cooper