Research Enterprise Management System

Research Enterprise Management System (REMS) is the application used to track indirect cost exceptions, maintain sponsor codes, and publish sponsor guidance.

  • The Indirect Cost (IDC) Exception module supports the review, approval and tracking of IDC exceptions. It also serves as the data repository for all approved IDC exceptions.
  • The Sponsor Code module provides basic information about the sponsors of extramural projects at UC.
  • The Sponsor Guidance module is a repository for information and guidance about sponsors of UC research. Sponsor guidance records are derived from several sources, including historical information from retired databases, RPAC discussions with the sponsor, and individual campus transactions with the sponsor. Unless otherwise noted in the record, sponsor guidance is intended to serve as a starting point for a campus’ review of sponsor terms. Campuses can negotiate terms as needed in accordance with campus business practices. Representatives from each campus may be granted write access to the module to create new and edit existing Sponsor Guidance records specific to their campus' negotiations with a sponsor. Many sponsors modify terms over time, and often campuses can accept the modifications under the delegated authorities.

REMS is password-protected, and each module is restricted to those who have a business need to access the information. A completed access request form must be submitted to gain access to the system.