GASB 34 & 35 Financial Statement Issues Resolution Memoranda and Other Documents
- FY 2002-2003 Campus Closing Comments (Issued: February 23, 2004)
- Consolidated Financial Reports (CFR) User Instructions (Revised: May 11, 2004)
- GASB Financial Reporting Implementation Task List--Through the FY 2001-2002 fiscal close (Revised: October 22, 2002)
- Campus GASB Implementation Memo Entries should be recorded in the June 2002 ledger (Memo Date: June 12, 2002)
- GASB Financial Reporting Listserv Archives--FAQ
- IRM No 100: GASB Statements No. 34 and 35 Financial Statement Presentation Format--Primary Statements (Revised: February 5, 2003)
- IRM No 101: GASB Statements No. 34 and 35 Presentation Format--Footnotes (Revised: February 5, 2003)
- Exhibit 1 was updated February 5, 2003 to present the final footnotes to the financial statements for FY 2002
- FY 2004 UC Footnote Disclosure: FY 2004 specifications for UC footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. Some changes/updates are highlighted. (Revised: September 2, 2004)
- FY 2005 UC Footnote Disclosure: FY 2005 specifications for UC footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. Some changes/updates are highlighted. (Revised: December 16, 2004)
- FY 2006 UC Footnote Disclosure: FY 2006 specifications for UC footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. Some changes/updates are highlighted. (Posted: February 28, 2008)
- FY 2007 UC Footnote Disclosure: FY 2007 specifications for UC footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. Some changes/updates are highlighted. (Posted: February 28, 2008)
- FY 2008 UC Footnote Disclosure: FY 2008 specifications for UC footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. Some changes/updates are highlighted. (As of: February 28, 2008)
- FY 2009 UC Footnote Disclosure: FY 2009 specifications for UC footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. Tabs have been highlighted for worksheets that have changed during FY 2009. Some changes/updates are highlighted on the worksheet, as well. (As of: August 12, 2009)
- FY 2010 UC Footnote Disclosure: FY 2010 specifications for UC footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. Tabs have been highlighted for worksheets that have changed during FY 2010. Some changes/updates are highlighted on the worksheet, as well. (As of: May 17, 2011)
- FY 2004 UCRS Footnote Disclosure: FY 2004 specifications for UCRS footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. (Revised: August 6, 2004)
- FY 2005 UCRS Footnote Disclosure: FY 2005 specifications for UCRS footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. Some changes/updates are highlighted. (Revised: December 16, 2004)
- FY 2006 UCRS Footnote Disclosure: FY 2006 specifications for UCRS footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. Some changes/updates are highlighted. (Posted: February 29, 2008)
- FY 2007 UCRS Footnote Disclosure: FY 2007 specifications for UCRS footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. Some changes/updates are highlighted. (Posted: February 29, 2008)
- FY 2008 UCRS Footnote Disclosure: FY 2008 specifications for UCRS footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. Some changes/updates are highlighted. (As of: February 28, 2008)
- FY 2009 UCRS Footnote Disclosure: FY 2009 specifications for UCRS footnote disclosure schedules generated from CFR. Tabs have been highlighted for worksheets that have changed during FY 2009. Some changes/updates are highlighted on the worksheet, as well. (As of: August 12, 2009)
- IRM No 102: Required Changes to Support the Capital Assets Disclosure (Revised: August 5, 2003)
- Exhibit 3 (Exhibit G from the FY 2003 Closing Schedule) was updated August 5, 2003 to reflect the changes from FY 2002
- IRM No 103: Required Changes to Support the Indebtedness Disclosure (Revised: March 23, 2001)
- IRM No 104: Required Changes to Support the Segments Disclosure (Revised: March 27, 2001)
- IRM No 105: Required Changes to Support the Other Noncurrent Liabilities Disclosure (Issued: March 23, 2001)
- IRM No 115: GASB Statements No. 34 and 35 Financial Statement Presentation Format - Medical Center Primary Statements (Revised: August 6, 2002)
- IRM No 125: Required Changes to Support the Classified Statement of Net Assets (Revised: February 6, 2003)
- Exhibits were updated February 6, 2003 to finalize the mapping of Account Group Codes used for the FY 2002 Statement of Net Assets.
- IRM No 125, Exhibit 1a: Exhibit 1a was updated October 8, 2003 to finalize the mapping of Account Group Codes used for the FY 2003 Statement of Net Assets. Changes from FY 2002 are highlighted.
- The current mapping of account group codes on the statement of net assets (Exhibit 1a) is available on the GASB 34/35 Exhibits section of the UCOP GASB website.
- IRM No 126: GASB Statement No. 33--Accounting and Reporting for Nonexchange Transactions
- The IRMs associated with the implementation of GASB Statement No. 33 have been moved to a separate GASB 33 page on this UCOP GASB website.
- IRM No 127: Recording Accrued Interest Expense Payable (Revised: November 4, 2002)
- IRM No 128: Procedures to Identify the Current and Noncurrent Balances and Activities Associated with Other Noncurrent Liabilities (Issued: July 26, 2001)
- IRM No 129: Classification of Investments and Investment of Cash Collateral (Issued: May 4, 2001)
- IRM No 130: Definition and Presentation of Cash and Cash Equivalents in the Financial Statements of Entities such as Medical Centers, CEB, and UC Press (Issued: May 17, 2001)
- IRM No 131: Summary of Accounting/Journal Entries for the Implementation of GASB Statement No. 34 Reporting Requirements (Excluding Depreciation) (Revised: March 6, 2003)
- This IRM was issued in final format March 6, 2003. Changes/updates were made to the IRM, Attachments 1 and 2, and to all the exhibits.
- IRM No 132: Classification of Endowment and Similar Funds for Financial Reporting Purposes (Revised: March 31, 2003)
- The True Endowment and Quasi Endowment matrices in Exhibit 2 were updated with new Account Group Codes.
- IRM No 133: Change in Accounting for Federal Refundable Loans (Perkins Loans) (Issued: June 7, 2002)
- IRM No 134: Change in Accounting for Construction in Progress (Issued: June 7, 2002)
- IRM No 150: Required Changes to Support the Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets (Revised: February 6, 2003)
- Exhibits were updated February 6, 2003 to finalize the mapping of accounting codes used for the FY 2002 Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets.
- IRM No 150, Exhibit 1a: Exhibit 1a was updated October 8, 2003 to finalize the mapping of accounting codes used for the FY 2003 Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets. Changes from FY 2002 are highlighted.
- IRM No 150, Exhibit 2: Exhibit 2 was updated October 8, 2003 to finalize the mapping of transfer transaction codes used for the FY 2003 Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets. Changes from FY 2002 are highlighted.
- The current mapping of accounting codes on the statement of revenues, expenses and changes in net assets (Exhibits 1a and 2) is available on the GASB 34/35 Exhibits section of the UCOP GASB website.
- IRM No 151: Changes in Accounting and Reporting Required for Scholarship Allowances (Revised: March 31, 2003)
- The IRM was updated to include the addition of UAS code 780109 for reporting Scholarship Allowance. The IRM and Exhibit 3 were updated to include object code 7760 to record the Scholarship Allowance credit.
- IRM No 152: Categorization of Various Medical Center Revenues (Revised: March 16, 2006)
- Exhibit 1 to the IRM was updated. Corrections are highlighted in yellow.
- IRM No 175: Required Changes to Support the Statement of Cash Flows (Revised: February 7, 2003)
- Exhibits were updated February 7, 2003 to finalize the mapping of accounting codes used for the FY 2002 Statement of Cash Flows. Note that Exhibit 2 is still under development and has not been included.
- IRM No 175, Exhibit 1: The exhibit was updated October 27, 2003 to finalize the mapping of accounting codes to be used for the FY 2003 Statement of Cash Flows. Changes from Final FY 2002 are highlighted.
- IRM No 175, Exhibit 3: The exhibit was updated October 27, 2003 to provide the final FY 2003 cross reference from the Statement of Net Assets to the Statement of Cash Flows.
- IRM No 175, Exhibit 4: The exhibit was updated October 27, 2003 to provide the final FY 2003 cross reference from the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets to the Statement of Cash Flows.
- The current mapping of accounting codes on the statement of cash flows (Exhibits 1, 3 and 4) is available on the GASB 34/35 Exhibits section of the UCOP GASB website.
- IRM No 176: Definition and Presentation of Cash Flow from Investing Activities and Activities of External Trusts (Revised: March 6, 2002)
- IRM No 200: Requirements for Management's Discussion and Analysis (Revised: August 16, 2002)