Budget Analysis and Planning
2023-24 Payment of Tuition and Fees and Refund Procedures
Some or all instruction for all or part of the Academic Year may be delivered remotely. Tuition and fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event instruction occurs remotely for any part of the Academic Year. Figures for tuition and fees represent currently approved or proposed amounts and may not be final. Actual tuition and fees are subject to change by the University of California as determined to be necessary or appropriate. Final approved tuition and fee levels may differ from the amounts presented.
Payment of charges
All general University charges (Tuition, Student Services Fee, and, as appropriate, Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition or Nonresident Supplemental Tuition for nonresidents of California) and deposits must be paid at the time of registration, or within the semester or quarter in accordance with an authorized campus installment or deferred fee payment plan, as announced by the Chancellor.
Other charges and deposits may be paid at this time if desired; in any event, all miscellaneous charges should be paid within one week of the date of registration or by the date announced by the Chancellor. An additional charge will be made for failure to pay required charges or deposits by the dates announced (see Miscellaneous Fees and Service Charges published by each campus).
Receipts of proof of payment are issued for all payments and these should be carefully preserved. No student will be entitled to a refund except after surrender to the Cashier's Office of the student's original receipt, if issued, or canceled check, money order, or registration card.
Refund procedures
New Students Who Receive Title IV Federal Financial Assistance and Withdraw During their First Academic Term
Nonresident Supplemental Tuition, Tuition, Student Services Fee, Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition, and Other Student Charges
Days | Refund: Quarters | Refund: Semesters |
0 | 100 percent | 100 percent |
1 | 100 percent | 100 percent |
2-7 | 90 percent | 100 percent |
8-14 | 80 percent | 90 percent |
15-21 | 70 percent | 80 percent |
22-28 | 60 percent | 80 percent |
29-35 | 50 percent | 70 percent |
36-42 | 40 percent | 60 percent |
43-49 | 0 percent | 60 percent |
50-56 | 0 percent | 50 percent |
57-63 | 0 percent | 40 percent |
64 or more | 0 percent | 0 percent |
Prior to the first day of Instruction and Day 1: A maximum administrative fee of $100.00 or 5 percent of the total charges assessed, whichever is less, is deducted and the balance of Tuition and fees and charges is refunded in full. The administrative fee is credited to the Student Services Fee, the Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition charge, or other charge as specified in University policy.
Day 2 and after: A maximum administrative fee of $100.00 or 5 percent of the total charges assessed, whichever is less, is deducted and the schedule of refunds shown in Schedule A of the Schedule of Refunds, is applied to the balance of fees assessed. The administrative fee is credited to the Student Services Fee, the Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition charge, or other charge as specified in University policy.
All Other Undergraduate and Graduate Students-All Continuing and Readmitted Students and New Students Who Do Not Receive Federal Financial Aid
Nonresident Supplemental Tuition, Tuition, Student Services Fee, Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition, and Other Student Charges
Days | Refund: Quarters | Refund: Semesters |
0 | 100 percent | 100 percent |
1 | 100 percent | 100 percent |
2-7 | 90 percent | 90 percent |
8-11 | 50 percent | 90 percent |
12-18 | 50 percent | 50 percent |
19-27 | 25 percent | 50 percent |
28-35 | 25 percent | 25 percent |
36-53 | 0 percent | 25 percent |
54 or more | 0 percent | 0 percent |
- For all continuing and readmitted undergraduate and graduate students: There is a service charge of $10 for cancellation of registration or withdrawal before the first day of instruction. Beginning with the first day of instruction, Schedule B of the Schedule of Refunds is applied to the total of charges assessed.
- For all new undergraduate students who do not receive federal financial aid: The $100 Acceptance of Admission Fee is withheld from the Student Services Fee, and Schedule B of the Schedule of Refunds is applied to the balance of charges assessed.
- For all new graduate and professional school students who do not receive federal financial aid: Schedule B of the Schedule of Refunds is applied to the total of assessed charges. For all new health sciences and MBA students who do not receive federal financial aid, the applicable deposit fee is withheld from the Student Services Fee or Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition charge, as appropriate, and Schedule B of the Schedule of Refunds is applied to the balance of charges assessed.
If no credit for courses is given, a full refund of the Student Services Fee for the regular session will be granted to all students entering the armed forces prior to the end of the sixth week of the quarter or semester. Chancellors are authorized to make exceptions to the refund policy if there are extenuating circumstances and they may authorize complete refunds of charges for students called up to active military service regardless of the date of their withdrawal from the University.
Schedules A and B apply to students enrolled in academic programs based on standard periods of instruction. Campuses should construct refund schedules for periods of instruction other than quarters or semesters using Schedules X and Y of the Schedule of Refunds below.
Schedule of Refunds for New Students Who Receive Federal
Financial Aid and Withdraw During Their First Academic Term
(for Periods of Instruction other than Quarters or Semesters)
Percent of Time Elapsed in the Period of Instruction |
Percent of Charges Refunded |
prior to first day of instruction | 100 percent |
1st day of instruction | 100 percent |
10 percent elapsed | 90 percent |
20 percent elapsed | 80 percent |
30 percent elapsed | 70 percent |
40 percent elapsed | 60 percent |
50 percent elapsed | 50 percent |
60 percent elapsed | 40 percent |
61-100 percent elapsed | 0 percent |
Schedule of Refunds for All Continuing and Returning Students and For New Students Who Do Not Receive Federal Financial Aid
(for Periods of Instruction other than Quarters or Semesters)
Percent of Time Elapsed in the Period of Instruction |
Percent of Charges Refunded |
1st day of instruction | 100 percent |
10 percent elapsed | 90 percent |
25 percent elapsed | 50 percent |
50 percent elapsed | 25 percent |
51-100 percent elapsed | 0 percent |
Other Refund Schedules apply to non-standard terms of enrollment. Contact the Registrar's Office at the campus you are attending for more information.