Linda Tong

CNI Fellow - Class of 2015

Undergraduate Student, General Biology
UC San Diego


Student Communications


Student communications fellow: Raise awareness of sustainability opportunities on campus and communicate to students about UC San Diego’s Climate Action Plan and UC’s Carbon Neutrality Initiative. Reach out to the student population through blogs and short articles about various aspects of UC San Diego and the UC system’s efforts towards climate neutrality. Use other virtual methods to inform students of UC’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality.


The goal of this project is to let UC San Diego students know about how the university and the UC system are working to make our campuses sustainable and climate neutral. In particular, the goal is to advertise UC San Diego’s Climate Action Plan and UC’s Carbon Neutrality Initiative. The second desired outcome of this project is to raise awareness of sustainability-related news opportunities on campus and let students know how they can get involved.

Future Plans

Continue with posting short articles on current events related to achieving climate neutrality and recruit more contributors. Create visual presentation of information on the UC Carbon Neutrality Initiative and UC San Diego Climate Action Plan, for possible future presentations at student organization general body meetings, etc.


Sara McKinstry