Charlotte Beall

CNI Fellow - Class of 2015

Graduate Student, Climate Science
UC San Diego


Real-time Source Apportionment for Single Particle Mass Spectrometers


I am leading the development of a real-time source apportionment for single particle mass spectrometers. A source apportionment will enhance the real-time usability of the single particle mass spectrometer, an instrument that can be used for air pollutant characterization. Since China is now the world’s biggest user of single particle mass spectrometers for emissions source characterization, this product will be the focal point of a collaboration between UC San Diego and Chinese atmospheric scientists.


Aim: to develop a product concept for single particle mass spectrometer used for air pollution source characterization in China. To leverage a unique opportunity for collaboration between UC San Diego and atmospheric scientists in China.

Future Plans

Now that the concept is developed and supported, work will begin on product development. Requirements for the algorithm will be decided in collaboration with the San Diego Supercomputing Center, and then I will begin to organize the database of characteristic spectra.


Kim Prather