179D/Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Funding

Additional Contract Modifications

The contract modification document listed below must be used by the University in conjunction with the base contract documents if 179D/Inflation Reduction Act/ITC funding is being pursued. These documents provide instructions on sections to be added, deleted or modified in the existing contract templates and should not be added as-is to the Contract Documents when distributed to the Bidder or Contractor.

For example, the 179D/IRA modifications template has various section edits in different contract documents across all delivery methods. This document must be used to modify those specific sections in a contract if a campus is pursuing this funding.

The following documents are approved by the Office of the President and Office of the General Counsel for use by the Facility.

Any revisions to these templates are made and issued by the Office of the President.

179D/IRA Contract Modifications

179D/IRA Contract Exhibit


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