Creating a draft

Goal: Save a working copy of an asset that cannot be published

Drafts should be used for edits in progress — in cases where you need to make extensive revisions to a page that cannot be completed in one sitting.

Save as Draft allows for the following functionality:

  • Multiple users may save drafts of a single asset, but only the user who saved the draft has access to it.
  • View drafts just as you would a working copy in the editing interface.
  • Your active drafts will appear on your Dashboard. Look for the My Content box, then click on Drafts.
  • Edits/changes are not reflected in the current version of the asset; edits/changes to the draft cannot be published until they are Submitted.
  • Submission of final changes works as usual.


  1. Navigate to the page you would like to work on.

    Page to edit

  2. Click Edit and make the changes to your text.

    Edit page 

  3. Click Save & Preview to save your draft.

    Save Draft button

  4. Edit your draft. From the View you can move between the Current or the Draft page, or Discard the draft.

    View Draft indicator

  5. When your changes are finalized, hit Submit to make your draft the current version of the page. Click Submit again, or Check Content & Submit to perform spelling and accessibility checks.

    Update draft button