Forgot your password

Level: Intermediate

If you forgot your password, please email to request new temporary credentials to be able to log back into Cascade. This is what you can expect once you submit your request:

  1. You will receive an email from GoAnywhere prompting you to access your secure message by clicking the Download Files button.

    GoAnywhere email example

  2. You will be asked to log into GoAnywhere MFT to access your message. Please note that you will need to use your long-form email address ( to log into GoAnywhere. You will then be redirected to our UCOP Single Sign-On form to complete the authentication process. If you experience problems logging in (accounts are locked after a few failed attempts or if they are not accessed in a few months), please contact for assistance.

    GoAnywhere Login Screen

  3. Once you log into GoAnywhere, click on the message you received to open it. A text file will be attached at the bottom. Download this file to your local computer to retrieve your temporary password.

    GoAnywhere download link sample

  4. You can now log into Cascade
  5. Follow these instructions to change your password to something easier to remember.