UCOP COVID-19 Tools and Resources During Telecommute Status

In an effort to continue to support our employees during these ever-changing times, we have compiled tools and resources that may be useful in adapting to your new environment.  We understand that there may be competing priorities.  Our goal is to share resources and tips to assist you in being successful during this challenging time.

For additional information, visit the UCOP’s response to COVID-19 webpage.

Sign up for the newsletter to receive weekly tips and additional resources.

Tools for Healthy Telecommuting

To comply with shelter in place orders, many staff have shifted to full-time telecommuting. For some, working from home may be a new practice. Healthy telecommuting encompasses more than working remotely. It also embodies staying physically and mentally healthy. Below are some tips for your well-being and remote working.

Staying Connected to Your Team

During this time, it is important that we continue to communicate with each other. Increased communication assists employees and managers in clarifying expectations, understanding each other’s needs, and providing support.

Staying Connected to the Organization

Now that you have had some time to adapt to the “new normal” of being a remote employee and are focusing on the day-to-day work, it’s important to remember that most of us will eventually be returning to the office.  Keeping your eyes on long term goals are just as essential as the short term successes that happen during the course of a single day. Ensuring that you remain connected to the strategic framework of your Department/Division and the mission of the University will help to ease the transition back to the office.

Culture and Connectivity Initiative

The Culture and Connectivity initiative is a result of the COVID-19 Task Force response to the telecommute status. The initiative is led by UCOP Culture, Engagement, Diversity, and Inclusion (CEDI) department in collaboration with other UCOP Divisions.

Our goal is to encourage ongoing connection to your UCOP colleagues and our unique culture. In addition to keeping you informed, we are committed to supporting your physical and emotional well-being by curating and sharing resources from multiple sources that will uplift, encourage, and enable your success during these unprecedented times.

Contact us at culture@ucop.edu.