Environmental Due Diligence

Risk Services manages the systemwide Environmental Due Diligence Program to assess and manage hazardous materials-related risks pertaining to all University real estate transactions, including acquisitions, sales, leases, and gifts/bequests of real property to both the Regents and campus Foundations.

Risk Services works as an integral part of UC's real estate and legal team to ensure multiple technical, legal, and financial objectives are achieved with respect to environmental liabilities related to all real estate transactions. UC's phased site investigation process, outlined below, conforms to all environmental and commercial real estate standards.

Phased Site Investigation Process
This process is to be used for the assessment of toxic and hazardous substances when purchasing or receiving gifts/bequests of any University real estate.

Due Diligence Forms & Reference Documents
Materials are intended solely for internal use by University of California personnel; UC personnel can contact OPRS for access to the reference materials.