Instructional Designer Resource Contacts

Instructional Designer/Technologist Contact Information

You are encouraged to work with an Instructional Designer or Technologist when completing your proposal and budget.

Campus Name Title
Berkeley ETS Educational Technology Services
Davis Kem Saichaie Associate Director, Learning & Teaching Support, Center for Educational Effectiveness
Irvine Megan Wan Lin Linos Director, Center for Instructional Design
Los Angeles Jan Reiff Professor and Special Assistant to EVC/Provost
Merced James Zimmerman Associate Vice Provost of Teaching and Learning
Riverside Cheryl Diermyer

Principal Instructional Design Consultant | Learning Experience Analyst, Academic Engagement

Santa Barbara George Michaels Executive Director (ID) & Instr. Consultant
Santa Cruz Michael Tassio Academic Affairs Analyst
San Diego Joan Holmquist Instructional Technology Support Manager
San Diego Dan Suchy Managing Director at the Office for Online & Technology Enhanced Education
UCOP Scott Friese Assistant Director, Instructional Design